Request Information Literacy Instruction (ILI)
Use the booking availability grid to select a date/time for information literacy instruction in the Library Classroom.
- 2 weeks advance notice is required. For requests with less than 2 weeks notice, email Megan Dempsey.
- Use the "Go to Date" button to select your preferred instruction date and check for availability.
- Use the arrow buttons to advance by day.
- Click the start time of your class to begin the request booking.
- If there is no available time that meets your class's needs, or if you need a librarian to teach in a location other than the Library Classroom, email Megan Dempsey with the details of your request.
Length of instruction
The default booking time on the grid is 90 minutes - you will use this selection for an 80-minute session and the librarian will plan instruction for 80 minutes from the start time you select. For a shorter or longer session, use the dropdown below the booking grid to adjust the end time (minimum 30 minutes, maximum 3 hours). Requests for longer than 90 minutes are not guaranteed if the space is needed for another class session.
Multiple sections/courses
For multiple sections of the same course (e.g. all ENGL 111), you can select the start time for each section on the grid before clicking the "Submit Times" button. This can also be done for requests that are needed on different days; use the arrows to go to the next day you need. Each request will appear below the grid.
If you are requesting different courses (e.g. ENGL 111 and ENGL 112), complete separate requests for each course.